Apex Legends Hitboxes 2025. You play as different characters, legends, with different looks and abilities. Split 1 playoffs day 1 ( group stage ) recent.
You may have noticed that apex legends’ characters are different shapes. Apex legends character hitbox sizes.
Players Are Reporting That The Hitbox For Pathfinder, In Particular,.
Mastering aim and accuracy โ elite.
Apex Legends Character Hitbox Sizes.
In fortnite, all of the characters have the same hitboxes, even if one is a bit.
The Confirmed Apex Legends Hitboxes Are As Follows, From Smallest To Largest:
Images References :
That Being Said, While Some Players Say That Legends Like Lifeline, Bloodhound, Conduit, Wraith, And Wattson Have Small Hitboxes, No Official Comparison.
The confirmed apex legends hitboxes are as follows, from smallest to largest:
Players Are Reporting That The Hitbox For Pathfinder, In Particular,.
Naturally, they are different in size.
The Robotic Legend Saw The Hitboxes For His Midsection, Arms, And Upper Legs All Slimmed Down.